With its sprawling network of interstate highways and smaller roads build and maintained by the state, Texas experiences a high volume of truck and motor vehicle accidents. Each of these incidents causes a high level of pain, emotional disruption, medical expense, and...
Personal Injury
If injured at work, is workers’ comp my only option?
For many on-the-job injuries, the workers’ compensation system offers a straightforward and simple way to get your injuries handled and pay your bills without having to call a lawyer. However, not all such injuries are so straightforward, and navigating the...
What happens if my car accident was caused by my car?
As more and more vehicles have automated and autonomous vehicle features, Texas car accidents caused by the victim’s car are becoming more common. Take the recent uptick in Tesla crashes operating in autopilot mode that are posing unique legal questions. What happens...
When is homeowner’s insurance not liable for falls?
In Texas, comprehending homeowner’s insurance liability for falls on residential property requires navigating various nuances of Texas law and the insurance policy itself. This article aims to clarify situations where homeowner’s insurance might not cover such...
Who’s responsible when you’re hurt on someone else’s property?
A person who owns a home or a business is responsible for the condition of their property and ensuring it is safe, but there are limits. Determining fault can be complicated and people who are injured need to think about how they will cover for all that was lost. That...
What is my car accident claim worth?
If you have been injured in a car accident and are considering a personal injury lawsuit, one of your first questions may concern how much you can expect to recover. After all, your damages are probably extensive given that medical bills will be coming due,...
How does insurance handle multicar pileups?
After the horrific winter pile up, many people began to wonder how insurance handles situations like that. When a multicar pileup unfolds in Texas, untangling liability complexities becomes paramount for insurance companies. Unlike straightforward car accidents, these...
What causes Texas truck accidents?
Trucking accidents can be catastrophic and cause serious injuries to motorists, passengers, and pedestrians. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were more than 38,600 commercial vehicle accidents in the state of Texas in 2022, resulting in over...
Who are the possible responsible parties in drunk driving accidents?
Drunk driving incidents pose a severe threat in Texas, causing countless injuries and fatalities annually. If you find yourself or a loved one impacted by such an incident, it is crucial to understand who may be held responsible for the resulting losses. Intoxicated...
Who is liable when you are injured on someone else’s property?
There are many different types of accidents that can occur when you are on someone else’s property, such as a friend’s house or a public business. Slipping and falling on an item, getting bitten by a dog or being injured at an amusement park or swimming pool can cause...
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